



手 机:15094961999

电 话:0536-6444678

Q Q: 357555709

邮 箱 :357555709@qq.com

地 址:诸城市吕标天赢工业园


来源: 时间:2024-03-06 18:28:51 浏览次数:

1、若有结垢现象请分析成分,需要清理的及时清理。 2、日常维护:定期查看设备锈蚀情况,补充机油,碳粉等润滑物质。


污水处置惩罚厂位在龙港镇东部,滨海年夜道西侧,松涛路东侧,龙港年夜道与宜海公路之间,重要办事苍南县龙港镇、宜山镇、钱库镇、金州里以及巴曹镇,办事人口35.5万人,估计2005年污水排放量将到达 11.5万立方米/d。



龙港污水处置惩罚厂总占地18公顷。近期范围按日处置惩罚污水6万吨设计,远期扩建为日处置惩罚污水 12万吨处置惩罚厂。


污水处置惩罚厂工程总投资 7100万元,全数投资(所患上税后)财政内部收益率约4.3%。






联 系 人:徐安达

接洽德律风:0577-64235635 64204404

手 机:13906664986

传 真:0577-64202127

邮 编:325802

1. Project No: 47

2. Location: Cangnan County

3. Name: BOT Investment Invitation of Cangnan Longgang Sewage Treatment Plant

4. Category: Environmental Protection

5. Nature: New

6. Background and Construction Condition: Longgang Town is a well-known “Farmer’s City” in China, which is situated in the south of Wenzhou and on the south bank of Aojiang River estuary, facing the East China Sea in the east and adjoining the 104 state highway in the west. The town is the Wenzhou municipal and Zhejiang provincial strongest towns in economy. It covers an area of 80.7 sq. km with a total population of 280,000.

Longgang Sewage Treatment Plant lies in the east of Longgang Town with Binhai Road in the west, Songtao Road in the east and it is between Longgang Road and Yihai Highway. Its service range includes Longgang, Yishan, Qianku, Jinxiang and Bacao Towns in Cangnan County, with a population of service 355,000. It is estimated that by 2005 the sewage draining capacity will reach 115,000 cubic m/d.

7. Progress of the Preparatory Work: The project has been established by the Development and Reform Council of Zhejiang Province for approval.

8. Construction Scale and Target: Longgang Sewage Treatment Plant covers a total ground area of 18 hectare (ha), the disposal capacity: 60,000 TPD (short-term) and 120,000TPD (long-term).

9. Financial Estimation: Total Investment amounts to 71,000,000 yuan with the internal rate of return of the total investment (after income tax) around 4.3%.

10. Cooperation Form and Content: Sole proprietorship and BOT .

11. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor: The government is in charge of ����APPthe approval of the environment co妹妹ent, and after the launch of the project, the subsidy will be granted by the government as the sewage treatment cost. Enjoying preferential treatment stipulated in the policies concerning investment in Cangnan County.

12. Sponsor Unit: City Construction Management Bureau, Longgan Town, Cangnan County

Person to contact: Xu An-da

Tele:0577-64235635 64204404

Mobile phone: 13906664986


Postcode: 325802




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